In Search of Utopia
The Delusion of Socialism by Gil Potts
A relatively new brand of political philosophy has surfaced in American politics, touted by some very enthusiastic and outspoken Democrats making the claim that it is exactly what America needs to grow and prosper in perpetuity, and to achieve that long sought after “Utopia” for all. They are referring to it as “Democratic Socialism.”
Yes, they want to replace the government of the most successful advanced society in the history of the world, the only existing nation on Earth known for freedom, liberty, and justice for all, with Socialism.
But, before getting too excited about how wonderful life will be under Democratic Socialism in America, there are a few things one should know about this new form of Socialism, or any other form of Socialism. First, is the fact that Socialism in any form, is still Socialism. It’s kind of like the pig. You can put lipstick on a pig, but in the end, it’s still a pig. Socialism by any name, is Socialism. And, there is only one thing you need to know to understand Socialism. That one thing is history.
You can look first at the past one hundred years in history for the particular countries of the former Soviet Union, Communist East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, and Yugoslavia. You should also study the People's Republic of China, Laos, North Vietnam, Cuba, Afghanistan, Cambodia, North Korea, Somalia, and South Yemen. What do they all have in common? Utopia. They all promised their faithful people a wonderful life of Utopia. What else to they all have in common? In reality, the citizens of each of these countries unwittingly surrendered their freedoms for a regimen of poverty, depravity, pain and despair. According to historian R.J. Rummel, in just the 20th century alone, 110 million people were killed by their own socialist governments. Likewise, historian Benjamin Valentino says non-combatants killed by the Soviets, the People's Republic of China, and Cambodia, range upwards of 70 million people.
History has obviously provided us with ample evidence of the wrath and devastation socialism has begotten the many nations and societies that have been deceived by aristocracies advocating the same promises and political concepts we are hearing today from the political left and the leftist media. The Democratic Socialists of today have simply re-branded the same old redistributionist principles of "old" Socialism and inserted a new threat of urgency and call to action in the name of man made climate change.
The sudden rise in popularity adherent in the Democratic Socialist movement is, for the most part, borne on the premise of false and unproven claims and tried ideologies that have never been successfully accomplished in any of the many societies that have enacted a socialist governmental agenda of any kind.
History is a fascinating educator when conveyed with irrefutable facts. A quick course in world history examining just the last one hundred or so years reveals what Americans should understand about socialism's false promises and the fact that, without exception, it fails every time it’s tried, and always will.
The ideology of Socialism in the mid-1800’s evolved in Russia with Karl Marx’s teachings. Later, Vladimir Lenin and then Stalin advanced the country to all out communism, being the end goal of Socialism. Mao Zedong, in China, hypothesized that through Socialism, mankind could create a path to Utopia. Zedong’s Socialist evolution gave his “benevolent” government control over means of production and public ownership of all property. In theory, that combination would allow the redistribution of wealth, ending poverty and producing happiness and serenity for all.
Education in China was specified by the collective need as to professions to be pursued by the individual. Equality superseded liberty. Family size was determined by rule, with the one child policy. Travel was highly restricted thus restricting escape. And of course, political dialogue or association with any unauthorized group is strictly prohibited. Violations were dealt with through a progressive penalty principle. Step out of line once to often and you could find your self doing hard labor for years.
Once America trades “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” for Democratic Socialism, “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” will be no more. No longer will you be able to criticize your government because free speech and individuality will not be tolerated. History tells us that according to Marx, “Socialism cannot be achieved without suppressing the annoying tendency of individuals who prefer making choices. Allowing choice based on individuality creates inequality, as people's choices produce different outcomes.” Basically, the Socialist Utopia you were sold is reserved for those administering the "Utopia."
Democratic Socialism will, if practiced in America, inevitably lead to its downfall just as it has in every other nation that fell for the promises of a Utopia.
With all it’s faults, America has proven itself as the world’s most desirable society in which to live, where it’s citizens are assured equality in the form of opportunity. Opportunity in the pursuit of happiness, freedom and liberty. What you as an individual achieve in your pursuits towards a life goal, income, or what ever you imagine, is totally up to you. Don’t let anyone tell you that they know what’s best for you. In America, that’s your decision to make.
By Gil Potts